Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Adelaide Royal 2011 - Novice Obedience Round and Dances with Dogs Demonstration

Last Friday night saw Kenz compete in Novice Obedience at the Adelaide Royal. No pass to be had as she was stressed much more then normal but so many positives to take away. She would have won the class if I had completed stays but given her stays aren't the most reliable at the best of times there was absolutely no point in risking it when she wasn't on a pass. Kenz was the only dog to complete the heelwork without lagging or sniffing. In fact compared to a normal trial because she wasn't to over the top her position was pretty brilliant actually. She coped so much better then I anticipated and I was thrilled to bits. I have included a few photos of her taken during the round.

What I was even more impressed with was her Dances with Dogs demonstration after General Specials on the Saturday afternoon. She was her normal cheeky, opinionated feral dog who might as well have been running through a training session in the backyard with nobody watching never mind the fact there we were at the Adelaide Royal show with all the distractions working at a royal entails. Soooo much fun, enjoying every minute of it and totally oozing in confidence. She has come so very very far and I don't think the distractions we will encounter at any normal trial will ever bother her again.

Some good news on her shoulder at long last as well - we can finally add in some small amounts of low jump grid work and see how she pulls up. Fingers crossed as we would both love to get back to agility next year :).

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