Thursday, December 11, 2008

A few photos and a training session with Tash

Well whats news since I lasted posted......

Sunday was the monthly DOL meet. I was very impressed with how Kenzie responded. I had warned people that she might be shy and to not try and pat her and she had a good time playing with the other dogs and was even going up to people happily enough for treats :). Here are a few photos that I took at the meet.







Secondly Tash and I decided on Monday were going to get serious about documenting our training with the kids. We drew up training plans and have created a training file for each of them. We had a training session on Tuesday night. Since this is Kenzie's blog I will just report back on her session. She was very feral and note to self in future don't expect a baby to work after she has watched both Ness and Riv work. Having said that it wasn't all bad. Her second session was really nice. We worked on Dumbbell, Heelwork, Stands and Stand for Exams.

Here is the link to the video from the first session:

The only final bit of news is that I decided to measure Kenzie this morning and by my measurement she is ~ 44cm. Little girl better not grow anymore otherwise she might be a 500 dog yet.

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