Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Kenz Post Surgery Week 9

Tomorrow marks the end of 9 weeks since Kenz's surgery. This week has been slightly improved over last week in that we have had less 3-legged lameness episodes and a run of a few consecutive days where she hasn't been to bad at all. She has been happy with her 2 or sometimes 3 x 20 min walks, feral at home and otherwise not looking to bad.

She is due to see Emma again next week and things seemed to be ok. Tonight the picture is looking a little less rosie. For some reason she is mega sore and carrying the leg again.

Hoping she is better again tomorrow. At least she won't be spending the day in her crate as she would normally be on a Thursday and will instead be spending it laying in front of the heater, underneath my computer desk supervising my never ending thesis revisions. What a hard life she lives!!

This weeks photo is of her posing with her new Ruffwear Lunker toy which arrived this week courtesy of a Waggle FB competition which we won.

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